Flamingo Fridays at High Five Budapest

The flamingos were given a place in the interior, we named cocktails and desserts after them. And now Friday has become theirs too, because from now on every Friday we pick up the pink sunflowers, Flamingo Friday kicks in, and we fly like these wonderful pink birds, together with you. Because everything is better together! For this evening, we recommend our Flamingo gin and tonic, as well as our Flamingo Jelly and Sour Flamingo cocktails. Give in to the temptation of pink!
Admission is free.

We are waiting for you with the best house party music every Friday!
Table reservations are strongly recommended: https://highfivebp.hu/en/reservation/

High Five Budapest
Address: 1075 Budapest, Király street 15.
Entry and table reservation free of charge, easily, online: https://highfivebp.hu/en/reservation/

If you were to come to us on foot, you can easily find Mink with a 5-minute walk from Deák Ferenc tér. High Five Budapest is located right next to the Király Street entrance of the GOZSDU courtyard.

If you come to us by car, you can park in the nearby parking garages or on the street.

Group booking, Events and infoline:
Email: info@highfivebp.hu
Phone: +3630-010-4852

You can find exact event dates on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HighFiveBudapest/events/?ref=page_internal